Saturday, January 27, 2018


Hey! This strip is really doing the rounds...So if you like my stuff
All 'cartoonist' strips are here:

Friday, January 19, 2018

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Rarely I do fan art, but it was for a friends page so.....Kylo Ren!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Sad to hear Ron Tandberg died today. Back in 1980 when I was a 18yr old dumb art student , he was the first real cartoonist I met. I had to go into The Age offices at something like 10pm to go to his desk (he may have had a cubicle!). He took time off work to look at my stuff and was very encouraging.
If I remember correctly he thought I had the chops to be a writer rather than a cartoonist (HA!) and it was hard to get the job he had and he'd been a school teacher for some time(?) He seemed incredibly old to me as he was all of 37!
Then had to ask me to leave after about 1/2 an hour as he had meetings with the editor to nut out the cartoons for that day. He also gave me a bunch of thumbnails which I framed and are fading with time. He drew straight to pen on paper for all his pocket cartoons in The Age (from what I could tell).

Friday, January 5, 2018

Monday, January 1, 2018

0ne panel strip

It’s A3 so my little A4 scanner would hard to match the 2 bits to make this sucker so PHOTO on my drawing board this time. Must do different comic formats to stave off boredom. So one panel comic.

It’s me @ 17 channelling Basil Wolverton!