The final missive in my exegesis 'How to create Cartoons'in less than 24 hours! I will now receive my Masters in 'Japes' with a minor in 'Antics' and lecture at a minor college till retirement.
The 7th missive from my incredibly helpful encyclopedia 'How to create Cartoons'. Here with the insightful how to 'write' the cartoons. Because I know and you don't.....
The 6th missive from my book 'How To Draw Cartoons'. I suppose most of us 'pros' own one of these for our penciling and inking needs."How do you make cartoons?" I show them one of these....
The 4th missive from my tome 'How to create cartoons' (suck on that Mr. Jack Hamm!).These characters in no way represent comedians of the 30s, nor 2 popular Star Wars robots.